Thursday, December 15, 2011

Venison Tenderlion With Bacon

Venison Tenderlion With Bacon

by Sonny Ithipathachai on Friday, June 5, 2009 at 10:00am

1 large venison tenderlion, or beef tenderlion "Filet mignon"
1 package of thick sliced backon, enough for the amount of meat to be wrapped.
Worstershire sauce
Texas Pete "Hot Sauce"
Kikoman's Soy sauce
Regular sugar, or brown sugar
fresh garlic

"How-To": Cut the tenderlion into 1" to 1&1/2" thick slices and marinated with equal parts worstershire, hots sauce, and two table spoons of sugar. Do this in a bowl to taste. Use a shallow pan and put meat in the refridgerator for 1 day.

Remove the meat and put on a flat cutting board. Put fresh sliced garlic around the edge of the tenderlion, while wrapping the tenderlion with a strip of bacon to hold the garlic on. Do this tightly, then use toothpicks, "I prefer a metal skewer", to hold the bacon to the meat. The garlic should be sandwiched between the bacon and the tenderlion.

Cook on "Open flame" around 6-10 minutes on each side. I prefer cooking on coal, but if you have a gas grill that's O.K. too. Serve hot, next to a bed of Jasmine rice, and fresh steamed carrots or broccoli.
"Enjoy and chew slowly."

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