Thursday, December 15, 2011

Taco, Rice & Cheese!

Taco, Rice & Cheese! Yeah, it's back baby!
by Sonny Ithipathachai on Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 4:40pm
While I was a young Marine stationed in Okinawa Japan, I was introduced to late night 3:00 to 4:00 a.m. hang over food. This was usually TRC (Taco Rice & Cheese), Yaki-Soba, and or Yaki-Tori. Taco Rice & Cheese has become a traditional favorite of my kids, and is flexible and can take on many flavors.

Ingredients: 1 lb. ground beef cooked and seasoned with Taco mix.

2 cups cooked white rice, or brown rice for you health nuts.

8 to 12 oz. mexican cheese, or even mozzarella cheese (as long as it's cheesy)

Directions: spray some butter non-stick into a casero pan. Put in white rice evenly about 2"
to 3" high. Next layer the ground beef. Next spread the cheese over the
ground beef evenly. Bake in the oven at 350 F. Watch carefully, and wait until
until the cheese is slightly golden brown.

How to Eat: Cut out square pie wedges out and put on a plate. On Okinawa we alway used
Soy sauce, ketchup, and Texas Pete to flavor the TRC. Take your fork and mix
well. Savor the flavor. TRC picks up more flavor after it's stored in the fridge
for the next day.

The way I do it here in the U.S. I put freshly chopped tomatoes, sweet onions,
green onions, chopped avacado, jalepeno peppers, and corn on top. You can
all kinds of things on TRC to enhance the basic meaty, cheesy, and filling rice
concoction. This is truely a terrific EAST meets WEST dish. Been eating for 20

Additional Note: Adding black beans to TRC gives an almost Cuban kinda flavor. Please
experiment with TRC, I've even added crushed Fritto's....made it like
Fritto Pies, like back in my Jr. High days.

Chew Slowly and enjoy.

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