Thursday, December 15, 2011

Summer Ice Cream Pie

Summer Ice Cream Pie

by Sonny Ithipathachai on Friday, June 5, 2009 at 1:32pm

1 Box of gram crackers

1 Container of Bryer's French Vinilla Ice Cream

1 Bottle Hershey's Chocolate Shell

Crushed walnuts

Melted caramel cubes

Whipped Cream

"How to:" Take a shallow baking pan with two-inch sides. Crush the gram crakers and layer the bottom. Pour in a layer of melted caramel, add a couple of cups of diced walnuts, fill the remainder of the pan with 1.5" of vinilla ice cream, pour on a layer of Hershey's chocolate shell, put back in freezer to harden. Take out and cross hatch design with remaining caramel. Serve with a healthy does of Whipped cream on top. (Disclaimer: This recipe did NOT make the healthy list, but my kids enjoy it.)

Made this during my days working in an icecream shop.

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